Monday, July 25, 2005

Short Monday.

So today's work was odd.
The monday meeting went well, but after that nothing got done.
Aparently just before the meeting, the transformer outside our building blew and our building was on battery power.
(That explains the flickering lights and network outages.)

so the boss came around and said we should probably go home because they wern't sure when the power would be fully restored, and that it could totally go off any second.
Also that we should leave before it comes all back on, otherwise we WOULD have to stay. Yeah... I have a cool boss.
Then RIGHT after she said that, one of the repairmen came around and said that we should all go because they were going to have to turn all the power off for the day, to repair the transformer.
So I'm out at 3:30! Woo Hoo!

Fun day!

Monday, July 18, 2005

And the world gets a little bit SMARTER.

Keep it up people.
If the dumb people weed themselves out of the world population, it's inevitable that the global IQ will rise. :-p jk.
Another successful implementation of the </DUMB PEOPLE> tag. :-p

My favorite quote from the article:
"In my heart I believe that could have saved Jude's life, even if he didn't have one,"

Hilarious. X-D

Anatomy of the perfect nap

The world MUST be getting better if the news for the day is SO SLOW that the biggest story to report on is napping. :-)

A small subnote:
I give absolutely NO credit to Dubya for this. No peace was brought by him, in fact he only brought war and more terrorists. Furthermore, Georgie’s nappy-naps all include teddy and footy pajamas, so obviously aren’t perfect. (Which may explain his crankiness towards the middle east.)

(Can you tell I'm NOT a Bush fan?)

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Waive Bai, BYE!

Marina Bai
Yet another name to add to the retarded people list.
Why? ...well for one, she makes her living as an astroLoger.
Not a science in ANY sense of the word.
And for HERE.
And three, she doesn’t realize that even for her accusation to be proven in court she'd have to PROVE that the NASA test changed ANYTHING in the grand scheme of things.
Astrology by itself is an unprovable superstition. She'd have a better chance at proving that knocking on wood causes good luck.

This retarded GREED-FULED attempt at using the US courts to line her Russian pockets is SOOOOO going down in flames.
I'm betting that she won't even get NEAR a court because NASA (A science based agency) won't bow down to a lawsuit brought by an ignorant superstition practioner, and the courts won't want to waste their time on this retarded case.

...If they DO though, I'll be pissed because it'll be a big fat waste of tax-dollars.

NASA should create it's next probe as a penetrating "bullet" probe, and target it at Bai, and then wave Bai, BYE!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Talk about bad timing.....fascism here we come.
Oh god, oh god, oh fucking no.
O'Connor's a swing vote that keeps right-to-lifer's in their place when they submit retarded cases in attempts to gain a precedent.
Now she decided to retire.

This will allow Dumb-ass Dubya to appoint her replacement. So now the swing vote for the court will most likely be a conservative republican.
(...That or the next sock-puppet that makes GeeOrge giggle with glee.)

God damn it.
Bush is going to f'in screw up America by allowing right-wingers to pass dumb-ass laws through the supreme court.

One World Market

If you are ever in the Novi area, and like sushi, go to One World Market.
This little Japanese grocery store kicks ass when it comes to fresh sushi.
I've only been there twice, but the stuff is THE BEST so far.
Today's selection:
Half-size Michigan roll
(contains sushi rice, cucumber, avacado, spicy sauce, tuna, and nori)
Price: $3.20



Kick ass.
I'm one payment away from debt freedom and monetary bliss.
Ok... well maybe not bliss, but definitely in a better standing budget-wise. I am now officially down to the triple-digits when it comes to my college debt.
And one more payment will clear my bill and let me start saving in my 401k and possibly even start financing one of these babies...

And if I get it before December, I can get the recent graduate deal. Awesome!