Friday, September 30, 2005


A lot of countries out there censor their incoming netowrk traffic rather than trusting their citizens to have a brain and enough morals to not visit that shit. So intead they censor all of it, and to "be fair" they censor anything even slightls objectionable, that way there is no precedent to the REALLY bad shit.

And now they want control of the internet taken from the creating country and given to the UN?!? NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
The US created it. It's one of our great creations that we take pride in. With the ecological TreeHuggers, man can no longer clear a area of land for a huge monument or structure so things already build/created here in the US need to be protected because we can't replace them without someone bitching about hurting the enviroment. That's the reason We ARE NOT going to give control of it over to other countries for them to FUCK up.
If that were to happen, then I'd DEMAND control of these items be given to the UN as well, since they effect our lives as well.
China's Great Wall. - Becuase it's a popular symbol of china and EVERYONE can recognise it, and so everyone should be able to appreciate it and have a say in what happens to it.
The oil fields of the middle east - They are resources of the planet and should be shared equally amongst everyone.

Those are jsut THREE items that some of the whiney countries wou'dnt share themselves.

I think we should remind all the Whining countries that the internet was created by us and we COULD have made it a TAXABLE service taxing every BIT and BYTE of information that comes from foreign countries like they do for OUR imported/exported goods.
But we didn't. SO BE GLAD and
Stop Your Bitchin!
