Thursday, February 16, 2006

Penn & Teller

Penn & Teller are two famous comedians/magicians. I have TONS of respect for them now that I've seen a few of their "Bullshit!" Showtime Episodes.
Penn & Teller have brought back a bit of my faith in celebrities having common sense.

Who is my NUMBER ONE annoyance, and pretty much ruined my faith in celebs having any common sense? Who do I credit for me losing pretty much any respect for anything celebrities say?
Not Paris Hilton.
Not even Mis 'is tuna fish,..or chicken?' Jessica Simpson.
Nope, it's the flaming scientologist loony Tom Cruise.
Just listening to him now a days, he sounds like a textbook brainwashing case for scientology.
But that's a subject for another post all together.

Penn & Teller.
Mindful, intelligent guys who make VERY good points on their show "Bullshit!".
Here's an episode for ya, (Brought to you from our good friends at Google Video).


Yarf! *Chews on rawhide*

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Here's something that kinda annoys me...
Why do people insist on calling passwords: "SECRET passwords"

Like seriously...who has a password that ISN'T secret.
That's the point of be SECRET.

Also, why do people say "DNS server" when DNS is an acronym for
Domain Name Server. It's like saying Domain Name Server server.

I guess the same could be said for "SCUBA gear". You really only have to say: "I'm putting on my SCUBA, not SCUBA gear.
"Put on your Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Aparatus gear."
It all just sounds funny because it's redundant.

Yet another phrase from the offices of
The office of redundant offices of redundant redundundandancy...offices.


Yarf! *Chews on rawhide*

More RIAA bullshit

So, the money grubbing companies of the RIAA are again trying to vye for more legal fuel to power their law machine. The same law machine that tries to siphon money out of innocent consumer's pockets. Fucking greed.

This time they are trying to say that AFTER you've BOUGHT your CD, you can't rip it for personal use on your audio device.
Seriously! WTF.
CD player sales are nearly nil in comparison to digital media sales.
How the Fuck are consumers supposed to listen to OUR legally purchased property? HMM?
What's more infuriating is that they testi-fied (testi, because all that can come out of these dick-suckers mouths are the balls of the artists they are employed by, and the politicians they have to do 'favors' for to get THEIR laws enacted), ...
...ahem....they testified last year in front of the SUPREME COURT the following:
"The record companies, my clients, have said, for some time now, and it's been on their website for some time now, that it's perfectly lawful to take a CD that you've purchased, upload it onto your computer, put it onto your iPod."

And now they are taking that back.
So apparently it's ok to lie in court in order to get your way, then later say the EXACT OPPOSITE to screw consumers.

Whatever happened to THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT?

Again people,


Sploit! *Makes another personal review of the RIAA and their products*