Sunday, November 18, 2007

Blind faith = RETARDED.

I think is sad that people who claim to be religious and so full of faith, themselves have so little faith in each other and mankind in general that they'll credit a mythical deity for anything & everything good that happens in life.

Like this PostSecret emailer...

It's SCIENTISTS & ENGINEERS that are the ones who give us the tools to take care of ourselves. Or in the specific case of that PostSecret submitter, the biochemists, doctors and physicians.

And if I were to submit a secret like that, I would be quite irked if such a thickheaded response were posted in response.

Stupid people like that need to start having more faith in mankind and it's true professionals, instead of some fallible religion.
I mean, go ahead and spend your spare time however you please, but seriously. Give credit where credit is due. (And in cases such as the above, it's not due to an omnipresent omnipotent entity.)


Friday, October 12, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Bush is nothing more than a goddamn ignorant sorry excuse for a sapien.
Yes sapien. Even the chimps think he's dumber than the feces that they fling about.

"Destroying human life in the hopes of saving human life is not ethical, and it is not the only option before us,"

STEM CELL RESEARCH IS NOT ABOUT DESTROYING LIVES! It's not even about destroying ONE life. It's about SAVING MILLIONS of lives.

Anyone who says that stem cell research is wrong or evil is just plain ignorant, and doesn't know what the hell they are talking about.

In fact the EXACT SAME research that he has just vetoed funding for could help find OTHER methods of cultivating stem cells other than fetal stem cells.
He just vetoed the research funding that could help scientists cultivate BONE MARROW stem cell lines, or blood cell stem cell lines, or PLACENTAL OR UMBILICAL CORD stem cells! Use of THOSE items isn't debated by the ignorant religious 'lifers' as being 'murder', but DUMB-ASS-DUBYA just vetoed those.

He hasn't changed since his C- college years. If he would ACTUALLY READ, study the issues before him more and at least ATTEMPT to use his brain he'd see what a FUCKING MORON he's being.

Going on his same logic of banning all stem cell research because SOME stem cells can be obtained from discarded blastocysts, would mean that we should BAN all things political because of how bad he fucked up as a president (even those he's only ONE president).
Or we should ban all cars and automotive research because someone ran down a cat with a SUV.
Or we should stop all flying, no matter the reason, because of 9/11.

God damn it, Bush you son of a bitch!
Rest your born-again bible-thumping ego and THINK WITH YOUR BRAIN for once Bush.

Where's a Darwin or a J.W. Boothe when you need one?


GAH! *Nearly shits a brick*

Friday, May 04, 2007

Hypocrites and double-standards.

It's people like Charles Bebee who annoy me off and more & more convince me that Libertarian-ism is the way to go.
That individual freedoms should be held in higher regard than any laws that are placed to protect any single 'group of people'.

If you're no up to the challenge of reading the wnbc article, basically Bebee is an MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) "Top Cop" award winner who was just recently (as of 2007-05-02) charged with DUI (driving under the influence).
Honestly no one should really be surprised by this article. There are plenty of officers out there who take their legal responsibility lightly and more often than not tend to break those same laws they are employed to uphold and protect.

Personally I see this article as more of an example of the judgment of organizations such as MADD.
While their intentions may initially be good, it seems more and more now-a-days that MADD and other orgs only exist to push their social, moral and political agenda on the rest of the world.
This is especially apparent when the MEMBERS of such organizations don't live up to the guidelines that they strictly expect the rest of us to live by.
Be it the Catholic church with their pushing of death penalty, right-to-life, and anti-evolution politics, while protecting their own pedophile statutory raping priests.
Or Peta funding fire-bombing terrorists, and looking down upon any non-vegan person in society that uses any products which may contain animal byproducts, while their own higher-up members such as Senior Vice President MaryBeth Sweetland use insulin (which is produced by genetically engineering animals to produce this poly-peptide hormone).
Or even Republicans who push anti-abortion laws and condemn other pro-choice advocates and then go on to defend their or their family member's use of such services. Additionally Republicans who claim a reverence for ALL forms of life when touting their pro-choice agenda, but then show a lack of respect for MATURED life by supporting death penalties and war efforts in which none of their loved ones are involved.
These "You must live this way, while I don't have to" mindsets appear in many organizations today, and frankly disgust me.

Even those pro-double-standard individuals who say "This group can speak/joke about this topic, while that group can't", annoy me to no end.
Such as the "cracker/n-word" debate, the "Islamic anti-Mohammad-images activists vs Free Speech Political-commentary Comics" etc.

Why do people get so upset and fixated on the words/images themselves when they should be in fact considering the CONTEXT in which it was used.
It's not the Gun used in the murder that is the source of the evil, it's the Hatred & intolerance of the Murderer that is the true source.

While the world may not be black and white, but in fact contains full gradients, no one should wholeheartedly expect of others what they aren't willing or capable of living up to themselves.
Doing or expecting so is probably one of the GREATEST EVILS in the world today.
I can only hope that anyone who takes the time to read my blog-rants, uses them as as much of a source of introspective self-betterment as I do in their creation.

Don't press your personal agenda on others, but first and foremost PERMANENTLY apply it to yourself. Basically, Stop being such hypocritical dicks, people.
That's the way to make the world a better place, not by passing MORE and MORE liberty restrictive laws, that will only need to be repealed later on as opinions and views change and evolve with society.



Mrfff! *Takes a nap*

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

War on Idiocy

F'n Bush.
What a complete enemy to the American people.
Seriously, this guy NEEDS to be impeached. If not for the good of the American people then for his own good.

His own people get indited for illegal wiretapping, everyone explains why it is a VERY BAD thing, but now he's trying to make it LEGAL.

GW should sit his boy down on his knee and read the constitution to him.
Or maybe congress should put on a puppet-show for Dubya.
maybe then he'll understand that the American people have rights given provided to them by the constitution that we're not going to allow him to subvert.
He's already trying to continue subverting the will of the American people by Veto-ing any bill that presents a plan for exit from the life/money-pit that is Iraq.

F'in A!
One president gets impeached for questionable morals in regards to his OWN personal life, but what's it going to take to impeach this bastard and his questionable morals in regards to the lives of American troops?!?!


RErrrr! *Strains to pop out a 2 ton brick*

Thursday, April 26, 2007

What a corrupt and bull-headed administration.

"Those matters are covered by executive privilege," said State Department spokesman Sean McCormack"

Has Mr McCormack never heard of checks and balances?
Last I checked, the US government was democratic, not a dictatorship. And giving ANYONE carte blanche to do whatever he/she pleases under the the protection of an umbrella "executive privilege" would basically be giving the president power to make his administration just that, a dictatorship. Those in power MUST be able to be questioned and held accountable for their actions.

"There is a difference between oversight and over-reaching," said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino."

If I were given the opportunity to respond directly to Perino's comment, I'd ask him why he considers investigations into a government deception that led to the eventual death of thousands of US troops, and a wasting of millions (if not billions) of US tax-payer's dollars as "over-reaching"

"Bush has vowed to oppose any attempt to compel sworn congressional testimony from White House aides in the investigation of the ousted prosecutors."

Of all the administrations I've seen occupy the white house (which I'll be the first to admit, is limited) Bush's has done the most and their best to seriously FUBAR the state of current affairs, and the United State's national image.

How can we trust an administration to rebuild in a timely fashion an entire nation that's going through a religious civil-war on the other side of the world, when that same administration can't even protect, aid or adequately assist, it's own people living here INSIDE the United States, in recovery from Hurricane Katrina or the 9/11 disaster!?!

For peat's sake! The twin towers site is still just a crater, SIX years later. And that was just TWO buildings that needed to be rebuilt, not an entire nation.
And Bush wants to stay in the Middle East longer, expecting that MORE troops will change the views and mindsets of a people who have been bickering and waring amongst themselves for centuries.
I'm sorry Mr. Bush, but pulling out of Iraq IS NOT going to endanger the American People, but causing entire nations of militant peoples to despise our country MAY JUST encourage them to take up arms against us.
You don't secure your home by walking up to and smacking the face of EVERY SINGLE person ANYWHERE that you think MAY at sometime consider breaking in. You secure your home by SECURING YOUR HOME, not by making sure no one WANTS to get in.

F'in idiot Bush is just trying to hide his mistakes and protect anyone who could embarrass him in order to maintain HIS status quo so that the next administration has to clean up his bloody mess.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Thomp·son Pronunciation[thomp-son, thomp-]
–Proper noun
1. Thompson, Jack - American attorney, activist, self proclaimed Christian conservative and Republican.
2. Thompson - synonym for Ass. (As in Jack Ass[Thompson]).
3. Worlds biggest ass-hat & attempted morality rapist.

Just a little humor to set the mood.
So I was just doing a little reading on wiki today about a guy who's name I had noticed in the news over the past few years. I never really knew much about the guy but after reading his wiki page, I come to see that he's quite the jackass.
He's on a self initiated crusade against the entertainment industry, video games in particular, trying to hoodwink the courts into laying all the blame for some people's illegal activities on video games.
In 2003 he filed suit on behalf of the victims of two teenage stepbrothers who had pled guilty to reckless homicide, endangerment, and assault. He implyed that the game creators,console manufacturer, and retail stores were responsible since they should have informed the boys that "the game would cause copycat violence.".
WOULD cause copycat violence. ... let that sink in.
Bullshit detectors going off? Thought so.

Want more of his ass-hattery?
Apparently in Oct '06 he got his panties in a bunch about mortal combat (yet again), but this time sent the manufacturer (Midway games) a cease-and-decist letter demanding they stop producing the game, because the company was illegally profiting on his likeness... because it has a character customizing utility that allows users to create their own character, which let anyone create a character that looked like him.
WTF! Jack, sue Pentel and Bicc! Do it now! They are profiting from your lickness by manufacturing pencils and pens that allow anyone to create your likeness on paper!!! OMFG!1!!!a lsdkfjalksdf sue now.


Yarf! *Chews on rawhide*

Friday, February 09, 2007


How did the phrase "Crystal Clear" catch on?
I mean VERY FEW crystals are actually clear. Most have impurities that make them colored, or hazy. Like Amethyst, it's purple. Rose Quartz is pink. Sure the Crystal your grandma probably had in her cupboard is quite clear, but that's not really crystal, it's shaped, molded or cut glass. Sugar & salt aren't very clear either. And most diamonds are actually a shade of yellow. In fact, the diamonds that are the LEAST yellow and have the most clarity are the rarest, so are the most expensive.
And don't even get me started on Cristal... that poser.


Yarf! *Tilts head*

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

"Nice Treatment"

I got a spam email today with the subject:
"Your penis deserves nice treatment."

I have to say, it's nice to see that spammers are looking out for my penis. o_O

I've never been so amused by spam email before.
Today's spam of choice had the subject "Mesmo Panda no best of SEXY!"
Now I don't want to offend any pandas reading this, but this "panda"'s name is DEFINITELY not "Mesmo".
And that makes me a SAAAD Panda! :-p

Yarf! *Tilts head, but is slightly depressed*

Monday, January 15, 2007

Mmmmm Tasty

So I (like everyone else) hear from the Apple keynote, that they will be releasing a cell phone entitled the Apple iPhone.
The very next day I find out that my contract with Cingular will be up in April, at which point I will be eligible for a phone upgrade.

So I'm seriously thinking about getting the iPhone.
My only beef with the phone is that it only comes in 4GB & 8GB capacities.
I don't really have THAT much problem with the price.
I mean yes, $500 & $600 is quite pricey for a cell phone, but considering that I've been in the market for a while now for an iPod, a digital camera (better than my RAZR's VGA camera), then I think I can adequately justify the cost.
I just hope that Apple surprises everyone with a 40GB,60GB,80GB or larger version upon it's release. That would be the smart move by apple. Especially with the built-in accelerometer. They could EASILY include the larger drive with a safety "head parking" feature similar to what they use in their MacBooks to protect the hard drive from damage in the event of sudden movement.
The only thing I can see that would stop them would be that putting a spinning hard drive up to your head would likely result in you hearing a wirr or whine while talking to someone on the phone. Although the simple solution to that would be to park the head during calls.

One question I have that I'm going to need to look into before purchase would be how users are able to access the keypad during calls.
I'm sure Apple has already considered this problem (at least I hope so). If users can't access the keypad during calls, it would make the phone pretty much useless with any of the menu systems used today by automated answering systems.

Also I'd want to see the quality of the 2.0MP camera that is integrated into the phone.

Another thing I'd want to know is if the phone's Bluetooth can connect to other miscellaneous Bluetooth peripherals. I have a Socket Bluetooth GPS receiver that would be quite useful if I could use it in combination with the iPhone's wifi & Google Maps.

And how will the iPhone handle SIM cards. Cingular LOVES to use SIM cards, especially with it's smart phones. Apple though, loves seamless products, so I don't know how users are going to be able to insert a SIM card into the iPhone.

Ahh well.
Time will tell.

FYI, None of my questions were definitively answered in the NYTimes 'Ultimate iPhone FAQ' (1 or 2). (But another reason to drool, would be that they mention a FM radio in the FAQ2. :-D )


Yarf! *Chews on rawhide*