Friday, May 04, 2007

Hypocrites and double-standards.

It's people like Charles Bebee who annoy me off and more & more convince me that Libertarian-ism is the way to go.
That individual freedoms should be held in higher regard than any laws that are placed to protect any single 'group of people'.

If you're no up to the challenge of reading the wnbc article, basically Bebee is an MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) "Top Cop" award winner who was just recently (as of 2007-05-02) charged with DUI (driving under the influence).
Honestly no one should really be surprised by this article. There are plenty of officers out there who take their legal responsibility lightly and more often than not tend to break those same laws they are employed to uphold and protect.

Personally I see this article as more of an example of the judgment of organizations such as MADD.
While their intentions may initially be good, it seems more and more now-a-days that MADD and other orgs only exist to push their social, moral and political agenda on the rest of the world.
This is especially apparent when the MEMBERS of such organizations don't live up to the guidelines that they strictly expect the rest of us to live by.
Be it the Catholic church with their pushing of death penalty, right-to-life, and anti-evolution politics, while protecting their own pedophile statutory raping priests.
Or Peta funding fire-bombing terrorists, and looking down upon any non-vegan person in society that uses any products which may contain animal byproducts, while their own higher-up members such as Senior Vice President MaryBeth Sweetland use insulin (which is produced by genetically engineering animals to produce this poly-peptide hormone).
Or even Republicans who push anti-abortion laws and condemn other pro-choice advocates and then go on to defend their or their family member's use of such services. Additionally Republicans who claim a reverence for ALL forms of life when touting their pro-choice agenda, but then show a lack of respect for MATURED life by supporting death penalties and war efforts in which none of their loved ones are involved.
These "You must live this way, while I don't have to" mindsets appear in many organizations today, and frankly disgust me.

Even those pro-double-standard individuals who say "This group can speak/joke about this topic, while that group can't", annoy me to no end.
Such as the "cracker/n-word" debate, the "Islamic anti-Mohammad-images activists vs Free Speech Political-commentary Comics" etc.

Why do people get so upset and fixated on the words/images themselves when they should be in fact considering the CONTEXT in which it was used.
It's not the Gun used in the murder that is the source of the evil, it's the Hatred & intolerance of the Murderer that is the true source.

While the world may not be black and white, but in fact contains full gradients, no one should wholeheartedly expect of others what they aren't willing or capable of living up to themselves.
Doing or expecting so is probably one of the GREATEST EVILS in the world today.
I can only hope that anyone who takes the time to read my blog-rants, uses them as as much of a source of introspective self-betterment as I do in their creation.

Don't press your personal agenda on others, but first and foremost PERMANENTLY apply it to yourself. Basically, Stop being such hypocritical dicks, people.
That's the way to make the world a better place, not by passing MORE and MORE liberty restrictive laws, that will only need to be repealed later on as opinions and views change and evolve with society.



Mrfff! *Takes a nap*

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

War on Idiocy

F'n Bush.
What a complete enemy to the American people.
Seriously, this guy NEEDS to be impeached. If not for the good of the American people then for his own good.

His own people get indited for illegal wiretapping, everyone explains why it is a VERY BAD thing, but now he's trying to make it LEGAL.

GW should sit his boy down on his knee and read the constitution to him.
Or maybe congress should put on a puppet-show for Dubya.
maybe then he'll understand that the American people have rights given provided to them by the constitution that we're not going to allow him to subvert.
He's already trying to continue subverting the will of the American people by Veto-ing any bill that presents a plan for exit from the life/money-pit that is Iraq.

F'in A!
One president gets impeached for questionable morals in regards to his OWN personal life, but what's it going to take to impeach this bastard and his questionable morals in regards to the lives of American troops?!?!


RErrrr! *Strains to pop out a 2 ton brick*