Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Fundies - Reloaded

They just won't give up, will they?
This just goes to show that putting all you belief in religious based ideas, is a dead-end for you mind, and will not open you up to new ideas and cultures.
The creationist ‘fundies’ (fundamentalists) tried altering their creationist idea, and re-branding it "Intelligent Design". Then they tried to hoist it on taxpayer-funded schools. It didn't work.

So, so now they AGAIN re-branded it and tried again in another state.
Failed AGAIN.
Creationism = "Intelligent Design" = "Philosophy of Design."
Religion != Science and does not belong in public schools.

What part of "Separation of church and state" DON'T they understand?!

These religious fanatics sure are putting the MENTAL in fundamentalists!


Yawn! *Bored of this*

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