Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Bitch-Slap to I.D. & Common Sense rolling in the points.

Here's two separate thoughts I had today while following the ID story reported on NPR.
(Sorry, I can't link to the 'to be decided' NPR story that was posted because NPR used the same url for the 'barred' story.)

[Post BEFORE the decision]
Intelligent Design is a (Christian) RELIGIOUS belief. So just considering THAT fact, it can no more be taught in schools, than schools can make kids pray.
If you were a Jewish, Hindu, Muslim etc parent, would you want your kids spoon-fed a CHRISTIAN belief in school?
I'm not Jewish, Hindu, Muslim etc, but I still believe they have rights, and saying that ID should be taught in public schools is not only tarnishing Science (And will confuse kids as to what SCIENCE is), but it would be an establishment of a religion.
So that said, it really doesn’t matter what the court's decision is, because if they screw it up this time, ID will be removed from the classroom in the future.
But IMHO, they should get it right, NOW and kick I.D. out of public schools and put the arrogant Christian fundies in their place (which is not in public school classrooms).

[Post AFTER the decision.]
+1 for Common Sense.
I'm quite happy about the decision. :-)

And good for Pennsylvania! They fired/barred the school board members who lied to get ID into the classroom.
Good job! Yet another +1 for Common Sense.

[Post LONG AFTER the decision. (12-07-2006,1:16am)]
A great video on the subject:
"Ken Miller presentation debunking the Intelligent Design movement. This is after he testified in court hearings to keep ID out of the school system. January 3, 2006."

After watching this video in it's entirety, Ken Miller is now my hero. :-p


Yarf! *Pants happily.* :-3

Monday, December 19, 2005

Ever seen a bush chasing it's own tail?

NPR is reporting on Bush defending his "anti-terror" tactics HERE.

My favorite part of the article is this quote:
"The president said he would continue the program "for so long as the nation faces the continuing threat of an enemy that wants to kill American citizens," and added it included safeguards to protect civil liberties."

My opinion of what Bush says?
Well... It's that currently the greatest "enemy that wants to kill American citizens" is George W. Bush himself.

Yes, I said enemy. I consider anyone who: starts a war on the basis of lies, blatantly misleads the public, and sends citizens to their deaths with a blatant disregard for their lives as an ENEMY to the American people.

So folks, it looks like we're screwed. As long as he's in office he'll continue to waste our tax-dollars sending our American troops to their possible deaths in Iraq.


Rerrm? *Tilts head at Bush chasing his own tail*

A Hepful Hand

Want to watch a good video?
Check this out.
It's a poignant, social commentary about the bible. (Albeit by Pen & Teller)
Funny thing is, after watching that 29minutes video, I actually want to ACTULLY read the bible. Cover to cover like they say.


Yarf! *Chews on rawhide*

Friday, December 16, 2005

Kick the boorish dimwit out of the House!

I've had enough of Bush now.
He swore an oath to protect & uphold the constitution, and he only shows blatant disrespect for it.
If a vote goes around to impeach Bush, I'm 100% behind it.


Grrr! *pissed*

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Another "WTF" Entry

*Slaps forehead*
Why are we paying tax dollars for this?


*silence* *Sigh*

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Great Taste! Less Filling!

Me Likey!


Oh so tasty.... :-p :-)


Yarf! *Chews on rawhide*

Friday, December 02, 2005

RIAA: Still slimy, & still suing

IMO, The RIAA is one of those cases where it was created out of good intentions, but has become nothing but a false face for recording companies to hide behind while they greedily attempt to force money out of innocent people.

Attacking individuals in a vigilante effort to gain monetary compensation for an ephemeral form of merchandise is just downright SLIMEY.
It also reveals the extent of their greed. The majority of the 'pirated' music out there will die with the technology that it is held on. Most people out there have NO CLUE on how to backup their files, yet alone the understanding that they would need to do it OFTEN to ensure their files are saved. And even this is not enough to ensure that the files are maintained. The majority of backups made by consumers (the target of the RIAA) would be made to writable CDs. And it's been proven that this form of media is not a reliable long-term backup media. Even under IDEAL conditions, after a few years MOST burnable CDs are no longer readable, being the victim of "CD-ROT".
So once a user's computer dies their music is usually dead and gone.
Which just brings to light another of the RIAA's greedy tactics.
They want to charge EVEN MORE for digital copies of their client's music.
I say, if they expect people to PAY for the electronic versions of the music, they should be REQUIRED to compensate the consumer by distributing a HARD-COPY of the music with every album purchased electronically. If the consumer is going to be paying REAL money for a electronic copy that has digital protection and will not last as long as the physical version, then the consumer should be entitled to a manufactured cd version as well. It costs NOTHING for music companies to make another copy of their electronic file, then slap some digital protection on it and charge REAL money for it. It's PURE PROFIT for them.
So why shouldn't they be required to send a HARD-COPY to the consumers who purchase the electronic versions of the music?

The argument has ALSO been made that the consumers are paying for the CONVIENENCE of using the internet to download the electric versions.
Well if this is so, then the money paid is going for the convenience, not for the content, and that would mean that the RIAA considers the CONVIENENCE worth the price, and not the music. Which means the RIAA would have NO stance for suing people who trade said 'worthless' content.

Basically it's plain old GREED that causes these lawsuits on individuals.
And I CAN'T WAIT to see the RIAA lose on the grounds that there is NO WAY they can prove without a REASONABLE DOUBT that someone else didn't use the lady in the linked article to download the SIX SONGS.

Six songs is NEVER worth THOUSANDS of dollars. I'd fight it too.
The RIAA can't prove that any profit was lost from their company for one individual downloading a mere SIX songs.

This lawsuit is 100% GREEDY RIAA dog-shit.
It's shit like this that strengthens my resolve to NEVER purchase a new CD from a RIAA artist again.
I'll buy USED CDs and support my local economy, but will NEVER buy a NEW CD again.

It's totally legal to buy and sell USED legally purchased copyrighted material...
I think there's an untapped market out there for a online retailer to resell USED copies of legally purchased electronic content as long as it's original and not copied, but MOVED from the seller to the buyer.
Meaning the retailer has only as many copies available in the 'store' as were bought by the store from a previous user. This would undoubtedly be a way to smack the RIAA in the face in that it would give users a LEGAL option to purchase USED electronic content at a rebated price over ORIGIANL electronic content.
Use their DMC files against them by offering a 'used' electronic file at a discounted price.
Meaning STORE buys purchased content from a user who doesn’t want it anymore at a price of 25% the current market value, then the STORE offers said content file to be purchased by a user at 50% current market value.
If the CMV stays static, the STORE makes a 25% profit on the file.
The original seller should not have any problem with cheaper content being available because if they did their job and implemented a digital copyright correctly, then the content will be marked that it is not original and so will not be as good quality. Such as all copies of the content sold at the STORE would have a the number of copies made maxed out in it’s DMC stamp, so the content would only be playable on a PC, and not downloadable to a device. This non-transferability to a portable device would give users an incentive to purchasing an original version.
Also the content bought & sold from the retailer will be deleted from the server on sale of all inventories so as to maintain the number of copies in circulation, and so would cause NO decrease in the value by flooding the market.

Another bonus for this would be that the consumer would have a means to liquidate their music investments if they decide to replace their PC hardware. It would cause a loss for the consumer in that they paid more for the file than they were selling it for, but such would still be preferable to total loss of purchased music property.

Of course said STORE would not deal in uncopyrighted file types, such as mp3s, wav, mid, etc.
As that could result in a flooding of the store of materials copied by the user. It’d be comparable to a physical reseller store buying ‘personally burned CDs or mix CDs’ from some for sale.

Play-lists though could be a possible content available. User only sees the title of play-list, creator & creation date, and purchases the list for a minimal price. And the user only gains the LIST of songs, but not the songs themselves, so to compile the actual content the user would have to turn to either the used content or the original songs.

Hmmm... An Electronic used content reseller… Interesting concept.
I think I may have a new pet project to add to my project list.

Grrrr! *Pisses on RIAA*

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I saw this one coming a MILE away.

I won't add this to my live list, but I SOO called this one too.

Wired Magazine is running a story on its site with an interesting side article.
It states that scientist have made it possible for two mice to have genetically related children. Two MALE mice that is.

My freshmen or sophomore year at Tech I soo called this. I said that using cloning techniques, it will eventually be possible to two men to have a child faux-biologically.
I mean the difference between a male and a female is just ONE chromosome. And men carry BOTH the x AND the y.
It's basic biology. Women provide the egg, which provides an x, and the man provides the sperm, which could be either an x or a y. 50/50 chance. Women provide no determiner in the gender of the child. It's all determined by which sperm fertilizes the egg.
Knowing this, I was able to foresee this eventual result.

Now this is not to say that it won't eventually be possible for two WOMEN to have a genetically related child. In fact, I believe it definitely WILL using the SAME process, just coxing the stem cell to become a sperm cell.
This would be MUCH harder though, and could only result in a female child.
That is, unless at least one of the women doesn’t have an obscure genetic gender condition. (I forget the title, but it results in a YXX rather than XX.) In which case the parent wouldn't be 100% female to begin with.

Details & Science aside,
I soo totally called this one. Ha ha. :-p


Yarf! *Chews on rawhide*

Bush loves to dick around.

Bush is dicking around in Iraq, but lays out a screwed up plan to implement more fuel-efficient vehicles here in the US.
His plan targets 'light trucks' and SUV, which is fine and dandy, but it does nothing for the largest vehicles.

So people will still be driving their hummers and being pricks.
And not only do their hummers waste fuel; they also are a hazard to EVERY OTHER vehicle on the road.
They have Horrible blind spots, slow response times, and will utterly destroy another car if they hit. How are they NOT illegal!?
There's a Hummer dealership half a block from where I work. They have a 'driving course' in their parking lot. It consists of a asphalt track an angled roadway (45 degree), a pile of logs, and a bunch of boulders. WHO THE FUCK encounters BOULDERS and piles of logs on their daily routine?
"Oh sorry Hun, I'm late because I had to scale two BOULDERS and a fallen TREE. Oh! And the Civil Engineers who laid down the highway fucked up. It's now a half-pipe. Yeah, crazy huh? The asphalt, which is normally level, is now nearly VERTICAL."
Yeah...that's likely.

And conservatives LOVE to call anyone who opposes the Iraq war as "unpatriotic".
How is sending Americans to their death in another country "Patriotic"?
Especially since when we DO get out of there, they will most likely have even MORE of a grudge against us than they did before.
How is THAT fighting terrorism?!?
Huh bush?
Explain that.

  • None

GRRRR! *Starts to foam at mouth*