Thursday, April 26, 2007

What a corrupt and bull-headed administration.

"Those matters are covered by executive privilege," said State Department spokesman Sean McCormack"

Has Mr McCormack never heard of checks and balances?
Last I checked, the US government was democratic, not a dictatorship. And giving ANYONE carte blanche to do whatever he/she pleases under the the protection of an umbrella "executive privilege" would basically be giving the president power to make his administration just that, a dictatorship. Those in power MUST be able to be questioned and held accountable for their actions.

"There is a difference between oversight and over-reaching," said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino."

If I were given the opportunity to respond directly to Perino's comment, I'd ask him why he considers investigations into a government deception that led to the eventual death of thousands of US troops, and a wasting of millions (if not billions) of US tax-payer's dollars as "over-reaching"

"Bush has vowed to oppose any attempt to compel sworn congressional testimony from White House aides in the investigation of the ousted prosecutors."

Of all the administrations I've seen occupy the white house (which I'll be the first to admit, is limited) Bush's has done the most and their best to seriously FUBAR the state of current affairs, and the United State's national image.

How can we trust an administration to rebuild in a timely fashion an entire nation that's going through a religious civil-war on the other side of the world, when that same administration can't even protect, aid or adequately assist, it's own people living here INSIDE the United States, in recovery from Hurricane Katrina or the 9/11 disaster!?!

For peat's sake! The twin towers site is still just a crater, SIX years later. And that was just TWO buildings that needed to be rebuilt, not an entire nation.
And Bush wants to stay in the Middle East longer, expecting that MORE troops will change the views and mindsets of a people who have been bickering and waring amongst themselves for centuries.
I'm sorry Mr. Bush, but pulling out of Iraq IS NOT going to endanger the American People, but causing entire nations of militant peoples to despise our country MAY JUST encourage them to take up arms against us.
You don't secure your home by walking up to and smacking the face of EVERY SINGLE person ANYWHERE that you think MAY at sometime consider breaking in. You secure your home by SECURING YOUR HOME, not by making sure no one WANTS to get in.

F'in idiot Bush is just trying to hide his mistakes and protect anyone who could embarrass him in order to maintain HIS status quo so that the next administration has to clean up his bloody mess.
