Monday, January 30, 2006


This is too cute.
I know this isn't news, but I thought I'd share.
This is "Boo" he's a character in the online web-comic "Megatokyo".
The site has had a great following and so has had a online store (MegaGear) up for a while now.

This "Boo Plushie" is one of their new additions, and I really like it.

Hidden birthday present hint! Hint, Hint! ^_^
(Note the strap-on wings. Nice attention to detail.)

If you are confused, the "Boo" is a conscience sidekick character to "Seraphim". Seraphim is the main MegaTokyo character (Piro's) conscience incarnate.
It was in MegaTokyo comic #79 in which Boo made his first appearance. (#79 will also humorously explain the strap-on wings. ...well, kinda.)


Yarf! *Chews on rawhide*

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Well No Kidding.

Duh.Bush is reported by CNN as commenting on the legality of the NSA's surveillance by saying, "There's no doubt in my mind it is legal."

(Ok...I know that just sounded like the beginning of a middle school rumor; "My friend's sister's cousin's co-worker's daughter heard from a classmate that..." :-p :-/ )

Is anyone really surprised that this is Bush's response?
If he said otherwise, he'd immediately be a hypocrite.
(Although I’m surprised he was smart enough to realize it.)

Yet another story that falls in my "Duh" category.

Yarf! *Chews on rawhide*

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Bin Ladin: "Truce, please."

A Bloomberg article reports that Osamma Bin Ladin is requesting a 'long term truce' between al-Qaeda and the US.

ehh, too little info at this point to comment.


Yarf! *Chews on rawhide*

330mpg car! Well, kinda car....kinda fish.

It's no mini cooper,
but I'd get one.

Under $20,000 ~330mpg, 2 seater coup, diesel engine (meaning probably compatible with bio-diesel).
Yeah, definately worth it.


Yarf! *Chews on rawhide*

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Fundies - Reloaded

They just won't give up, will they?
This just goes to show that putting all you belief in religious based ideas, is a dead-end for you mind, and will not open you up to new ideas and cultures.
The creationist ‘fundies’ (fundamentalists) tried altering their creationist idea, and re-branding it "Intelligent Design". Then they tried to hoist it on taxpayer-funded schools. It didn't work.

So, so now they AGAIN re-branded it and tried again in another state.
Failed AGAIN.
Creationism = "Intelligent Design" = "Philosophy of Design."
Religion != Science and does not belong in public schools.

What part of "Separation of church and state" DON'T they understand?!

These religious fanatics sure are putting the MENTAL in fundamentalists!


Yawn! *Bored of this*

Friday, January 06, 2006


Dumb people should not be given power.
Or at least the should be REQUIRED to consult a knowledgeable person before ruining other people's lives with their stupidity, or face WORSE charges than those they attempt to pass.

When I say "dumb" I'm referring to whatever uneducated school administrator filed the charges on behalf of the school. Just because the student LINKS to their system, doesn’t mean HE should be held responsible for the insecurities of their system or it's instability. Whoever set it up should be reviewed and/or canned.
Not the student.

Ignorance is NO excuse for stupidity, especially for the people working in A SCHOOL.
Laziness is no excuse for ignorance.



Yarf! *Chews on rawhide*

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Zen Style. Nice.

A new watch.
A new STYLISH watch.
Want it.
Mmmm Tasty.


Yarf! *Chews on rawhide*