Thursday, November 10, 2005

Ploice preferential treatment.

WTF is with this?
Ok, I'm not one to trust "E!" for much of anything, but if this story is true then L.A.'s police are truly f'ed-up in the head.

Paris Hilton's boy hit-and-runs a comercial truck, and nearly a pedestrian as well, and NO ONE gets a ticket.
I seriously hope that the company that owns the truck files charges or sues their ass.



A good day.

So today is a good day.
Because two GOOD news articles are out today:
(WikiNews) Vatican issues defense of evolution, rejects fundamentalist creationism
(USATODAY) 'Intelligent design' backers lose in Pennsylvania

If you pay attention to my blog, you'd know that I feel I.D. is a useless block of dung. I have recently found out that NewScientist believes so too. Or at least they share my view that I.D. is a wall on the common sense path.

The two above articles are, in my opinion, absolutely GREAT.

The WikiNews article is good because it shows that although The Vatican is not technically FOR evolution, but it definitely doesn’t back I.D. So it's at least a step in the right direction. The WikiNews article also outlines a good point. That religion and fundamentalism are actually two separate entities. Both religious, but the fundy one being devoid of common sense.

The USATODAY article is wonderful because it tells how Republican fundys are losing support, and also shows that most Americans have common sense. So it renews my faith in the ability of the American voters to think on their own, and not buy into the fundy I.D. Bullshit.

I.D. is NOT science, and so shouldn't be taught in Science classrooms.
IMO I.D. should not be taught in schools AT ALL. If it were, then we'd also have to teach the opinions of EVERY OTHER religion too, (or face mindless lawsuits, from other C.S. devoid fundy parents).

They don't teach FRENCH in a MATH class, so why confuse kids with religious I.D. bullshit in a SCIENCE class?

Well that's my opinion.
Put that in your mouth in chew it.


Yarf! *Chews on rawhide*