Thursday, June 23, 2005

Another Irk

You know what bugs the hell out of me?
People who insist on damaging their car be being stupid.
There is a railroad track in between my work and apartment.
I work in Novi Michigan, and the train crossing I’m talking about is on 12 Mile between Novi Rd, and West Park drive.
Every time I go home, it never fails; there is ALWAYS someone ahead of me that nearly comes to a stop when crossing the tracks.
Why can't these people THINK?!?! If they did they'd realize that if they just drove over the tracks normally they would barley feel the tracks. It's the washboard effect. But nope, they go over them WAY SLOW and have their car/truck rock from side-to-side like crazy ruining their shocks and/or struts because they don't understand how to drive.

I had a girl the other day pass me going 10 MPH OVER the speed limit, so she could cut me off to get in front of me before the two lanes merged on 12-mile. Now, there was NO ONE behind me, so it's not like she was trying to stay ahead of a semi, or school bus or anything, THAT I may be able to let go, but she was just being a jerk.
On top of that she HAD TO have been driving with her knees, because she had both hands up over her head doing her hair.
THEN she proceeds to slam on her brakes and go over the tracks at like 2 miles per hour MAX.
Oh my god, she pissed me off.
I hate dumb drivers.

Cars should have mandatory state issued mini-cams & black boxes in the dash that can randomly take pics of the driver and record the driving statistics and report them to the police. People wouldn't be likely to drive like idiots then.
Then also maybe everyone's insurance would go down as well and wouldn't be inflated by the fucking ass-hat drivers.