Saturday, October 28, 2006

Ignorance MUST be bliss.

Maybe it's the cynic in me, but I'm not really surprised that there are people that are still THIS STUPID in the world.

Now I'll admit right now that I'm no medical professional.
I DO know people who ARE professionals in one medical field or another.
In fact I have a couple of friends who are full-blown, all-out doctors.
But even without all the medical knowledge, I know enough to know that this sort of procedure has LITTLE to NO medical benefits, and is outright STUPID to be performed or even CONSIDERED as it is in the above (linked) WEBPAGE.

On first glance at the URL, I thought, ok cool. A "Biomedical Engineering Magazine" article. Then I realised it was actually "Body Modification 'Ezine'".
First off, lets get the petty out of the way. It's a WEBPAGE, don't try to be f'in trendy and coin a new phrase "Ezine". Just admit what it actually is, a website. WIRED is a legit magazine, and they have a webpage with most of their mag's content posted, but they aren't so delusional as to try to pass their website off as a Web-Zine, let alone lemming along with all the trendy "alphabeters" ('I'-POD, 'E'-mail, 'X'-treme tortilla chips etc) and call it a "EZine".
... :-8

That aside, and after reading the article, it's exasperating to know that people STILL practice trepanning. WTF.
Aside that these people think it's safe, and safe to let a unlicensed NON-medical NON-professional layman perform this type of medical procedure (using 'procedure' loosely).
And these people think that this is going to "permanently increase one's consciousness". ... yeah... the only way this is increasing ANYONE's consciousness is by the sudden consciousness to what they just did. ...When the person realizes "why the fuck did I let this guy DRILL A HOLE, into my skull!?!"
I mean one small slip and it's a free lobotomy procedure in addition to the trepanning.

Ignorance MUST be bliss for these people.
I mean the guy even outright SAYS that the guy who performed it was NOT a medical professional.
And anyone with half a brain would have noticed the red-flags being thrown up by the guy. At least it would throw up some for me, noticing that the guy's friend put up tarps up EVERYWHERE to protect the room from bio-splatter, but the 'patient' just got a glorified shower-cap, face mask, and a piece of paper to cover his dirty t-shirt.
Then again, maybe that was part of the 'patient's goal... To become 'one of those smart people with HALF A BRAIN' so that he can stop himself from doing such stupid shit in the future.

Lets see if I (with my total lack of medical study) can make my own list of risks of this insanity.
Risk of:

  • Infection (patient)
  • Infection (person performing it & those witnessing it)
  • Meningitis
  • Brain hemorrhaging
  • Future fear of any and all pencil-like objects
  • Brain damage / Accidental lobotomy
  • Blood clots
  • Increase risk of stroke
  • Scalpel/facial nerve damage
  • Epilepsy
  • Death
  • Risk of death post-procedure from mere bump to 'spot'
  • Lawsuit (from the 'patient's friends and/or family
  • State AND Federal prosecution (for MANY offenses, including performing a medical procedure without a license)

At least the guy admits after the fact that the benefits were not worth the risks.
(So who knows, maybe the guy now has half a brain after all. :-\ )

Don't get me wrong, people have the right to do to their own body what they please. You can pierce, implant, color, enlarge, tattoo, split, cut, slice, remove, lengthen, enhance, or modify till your heart's content, but you won't catch THIS sad pup letting ANYONE near me to perform a procedure that at one point in time could be performed by professional like Roy Underhill or Norm Abram.

?! *Tilts head*