Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Surprised they also use 'loonies'?

FTA: "Walsh is not doing well today, nine years after she was fired. She worked at various jobs after her dismissal, but is now on disability and has a brain tumour. It's not malignant, but it still must be removed, Guiste said. "She's just been in very poor health — for a toonie," he said."

"She's just been in very poor health — for a toonie,"
Being fired DID NOT cause her brain tumor. PERIOD.
Cancer is caused by the right combination of random gene mutations.
Being Fired from a crappy job will not cause gene mutations.

Additionally, apparently that Tim Horton's supplies police with free coffee.
Now that may not be against the law, but it DEFINITELY creates a conflict of interest.
Especially since the arresting officer admitted to accepting free coffee.
Now who's to say that his acceptance of this gift didn't effect his judgment or his perception of the case at hand when arresting the lady?

Come on, common sense people.
Use it!


Yarf! *Chews on rawhide*