Monday, July 18, 2005

And the world gets a little bit SMARTER.

Keep it up people.
If the dumb people weed themselves out of the world population, it's inevitable that the global IQ will rise. :-p jk.
Another successful implementation of the </DUMB PEOPLE> tag. :-p

My favorite quote from the article:
"In my heart I believe that could have saved Jude's life, even if he didn't have one,"

Hilarious. X-D

Anatomy of the perfect nap

The world MUST be getting better if the news for the day is SO SLOW that the biggest story to report on is napping. :-)

A small subnote:
I give absolutely NO credit to Dubya for this. No peace was brought by him, in fact he only brought war and more terrorists. Furthermore, Georgie’s nappy-naps all include teddy and footy pajamas, so obviously aren’t perfect. (Which may explain his crankiness towards the middle east.)

(Can you tell I'm NOT a Bush fan?)