Monday, August 01, 2005

Ass-hat hypocrite in the White House.

Bush is REALLY pissing me off.
He's in the white house being a warmonger saying he promoting
Democracy in the Middle East, yet he's not promoting it HERE. >He bypasses
congress to push HIS nominee into the U.N. He's such a hypocrite! If it's not pleasing to HIS agenda, he uses brute force to impose his way.

Where's the democracy now, Dubya!?!? Seriously!

...Yeah. I voted in BOTH elections, but I NEVER voted for HIM, now people get to see why he was a BAD choice.
What's really scary is that half the nation voted for him and so view him as a SMART guy. Just goes to prove that half the voting populous of our great nation are utter and complete MORONS.

TheBigPapi of the Fark comunity said it best with this post:

Dear President Bush,

More than half of the country disapproves of your administration. Your
people are very good at winning elections, but you are in the minority
when it comes to your politics. Enough with this popular mandate crap.
Yes, you have the right to make a recess appointment, against the
better judgment of the Senate. Fine. But don't dress it up like the
Senate was being obstructionist. It was doing its job.

And get off your high horse about stem cell research. Nothing makes me
angrier than a jackass who uses religion to destroy the quality of
life of others. You worship Reagan, you'd think the fact that he had
Alzheimer's would be enough for you to support finding a cure. But
hey, Jesus told you gay people would destroy the institution of
marriage and that won you an election, so why stop now?
